Wednesday, October 14, 2009


time past and never will come back , so yesterday is the last day . New begining starts from today . Delete all of the things about him and throw all the things too , its the first step to do . :D Dont ask me isnt sad or not , comfrim its sad but dont forget , the new one wont come to you if you dont get away your old one . Hahaz , and he is not only the one . It isnt that hurt actually , just miss , Miss as much as i can but will ended it soon someday .

Exams !!!! feel really so tired of it ! Two weeks !! and still have couple days to go , Gosh !! going to fainted , get thinner and thinner cause of the pressure . =[ Wish to have a healtier body now , hmmm. Get someone to take care of me !!!

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